Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum

Missed opportunity: Julius Popp created a waterfall installation entitled Bit.Fall to output words formed by droplet streams, fed from news pulled from the Internet. It was hosted in the Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum in St. Louis, and this short documentary touches on his motivations. I’m irritated I was unaware of this and some other interesting exhibitions it accompanied last fall.

found via The Wooster Collective

Bit.Fall has since moved on, but I’m marking my calendar for the Summer exhibitions (May 11 – July 16) to check out Ansel Adams: Reverence for Life. His photography alone is always amazing, but they also plan to screen two short films worth viewing.

Rant: Every web-site with a calendar of events should also serve a syndication feed with event markup so I stop missing the interesting things in my city.

Microformats Search and Ping Services

Technorati’s Microformats Search and Pingerati push the microformats goals further into view of the blogosphere; expect buzz to snowball and spread to the rest of the web. Yay Technorati!

The Microformats Search publicly supports hCard, hCalendar, and hReview. Pingerati has specific ping locations that specialize in those and adds specifics for hlisting and xfolk formats as well.

Aside from the coming assault of plugins for existing content publishing tools to support marking up and sharing this data, I’m mostly looking forward to seeing the social apps update to really feed the semantic web. Pressure’s on to produce my own toys too…